Ck2 how to build trade post
Ck2 how to build trade post

ck2 how to build trade post

The most useful of these is the ability to ask the Pope for funds as a Christian – for 250 piety you can receive several hundred gold. It dictates how the religious members of your faith view your character and can be used for founding Holy Orders, asking the Pope for funds (if Christian), declaring Holy Wars, creating your own faith, reforming your religion, consecrating your Bloodline, requesting Divorces, and improving the opinions of your clergy. Piety is a representation of the virtue of your Character in Crusader Kings 3. With all of these features in mind, having a good supply of Prestige is extremely important to both expanding and maintaining control over your Realm. When you are able to hire Knights at Prowess 12 or above, they can each take out 50-60 men with ease. This bonus can be a great way to ensure your vassals still tolerate you and Knights themselves are fantastic in Wars. The opinion boost at max level is +30 and it gives you another 4 Knight slots that you can hire for.

ck2 how to build trade post

Each Level of Fame provides you with increased Secular Opinion (opinion from anyone that is not clergy) and increased number of Knights. Once you have accrued enough Prestige throughout your lifetime, your Level of Fame will also improve all the way from “Established” to “The Living Legend”. A few decent Knights especially for Counts and Dukes can be a game changer when fighting against a similarly sized opponent.

ck2 how to build trade post

Finally, the “Decision” option to invite more Knights is invaluable to strengthening your army. High authority will prevent lands from being inherited outside your realm and will also allow you to change succession laws to ones that enable you to pass more fiefs to your direct heir. Increasing Realm Authority is important to maintaining control over your already-obtained lands. Often times you will end up spending a ton of prestige on this feature alone and you should always be ready to take advantage of opportunities to take more land. Many of the realm expansion methods in Crusader Kings 3 comes down to making a claim on territory and declaring a war for it. Prestige is a measure of how famous your character is and is spent on declaring wars, increasing Realm Authority, changing succession laws, and inviting Knights/Claimants to your Court.

Ck2 how to build trade post